Saturday, July 19, 2008

With the Olympics coming and all, I decided to try out China's version of Google. It's kind of trippy. First of all, the chinese language is all about associating symbols with words. So one Chinese letter can mean "fish" or "tree." What I don't quite understand is how would one create a sentence like "The fish got caught up in the tree" in Chinese. Would there be a symbol for the fish flapping through the breeze as it got caught up in the tree? Anyway, I "Baidued" my name, Alan Lupiani and the first things that came up in the search were my Myspace links. It just goes to show the power that Myspace is having over our collective lives. I will forever be remembered to the Chinese for having a Myspace account first and foremost in my life. Hmmmmmmm...that's a sad thought.

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By lup424 at 2008-07-19



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